What does your Dental Health Examination involve?
Our Dental Health Examinations are very comprehensive and, at each appointment, we assess all areas of your teeth and gums as well as looking at your overall health. The structure of our Dental Health Examinations to assess 17 key areas follows:
Important areas we discuss at each appointment
- How healthy you feel your teeth and gums are
- If you have any dental problems to report
- The impact of diet on your dental health
- The impact of your lifestyle on your dental health
- A progress check from your previous appointments
- How satisfied you are with the appearance of your teeth and gums
- If you have any medical issues which may affect your dental health or treatment
Vital checks we carry out at each appointment
- Health and strength of your teeth
- Health and stability of previous dental restorations
- Health of the lining of your mouth (visual oral cancer check)
- Health of your gums
- Presence of damaging plaque
- Health of your jaw
- Health of your glands
- Comfort and accuracy of your bite
Less often, we perform two important checks using x-rays, looking at:
- The health of areas inside, under and between your teeth
- Changes in bone quality